CSR & Sustainable Development

CSR & Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development and CSR are fundamental and indispensable considerations in all our operations.

At AFEA Congress, social and environmental concerns are incorporated into our business mission, strategies and operations, as well as in our interaction with stakeholders. Also reflected in our company policies and Code of Conduct, they form an integral part of our company DNA.

We became a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact Network (UNGC) in 2017  and a member of the CSR Hellas Network in 2019. In addition to the above, we have an agile strategy in place that helps us identify and manage sustainability and CSR issues in all our projects and initiatives, which has led us to adopt several related initiatives.

This strategy, which was developed in 2017 and has been evolving since then, is implemented in our daily operations and the organization of our meetings. Accordingly, all our corporate policies and actions are communicated to all our staff, subcontractors/partners and suppliers. 

Some indicative actions we carried out as part of our sustainability strategy include the following:

  • Development and communication of our Corporate Vision, Mission and Values
  • Organization of Green Meetings or Meetings based on the fundamentals of Sustainability
  • Identification and mapping of stakeholders
  • Employee training and awareness raising on, Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Environmental
  • Management issues
  • Development and implementation of an Environmental Policy
  • Development and implementation of a Policy on Labour Practices and
  • Human Rights

Our Strategy.

Since 2017 AFEA has incorporated the 10 principles of the UNGC on Human rights, Labour rights, Environment and Anti-corruption, and declared its support for them.

Through our annual Communication on Progress Report (CoP) and the latest Sustainability Report, published in August 2024, we disclose the actions we take in support of these principles and maintain a leading role in the sector.

This report is of paramount importance, as it reflects our progress and a strong commitment to each of the above four areas of the UNGC. Creating and operating within a company culture that fosters Sustainable Development and CSR in practice is a key aspect of our vision and mission and we are committed to staying up to date on all related matters.

AFEA Congress
At AFEA Congress we turn your vision into a unique experience, specially designed to meet your individual needs.